1. 어떤 종류의 철학 시험인가?
“The advice given below is based on the assumption that your professor asks essay questions and that the questions allow a student to demonstrate both ⓐ general comprehension of the most important issues discussed in the course and specialized issues that demonstrate ⓑ a student’s exceptional achievement.”
2. 철학 시험 공부법
① 교과서를 다시 읽어라(re-read your textbook)
② 수업 필기와 핸드아웃을 다시 읽어라(re-read your class notes and handouts)
③ 시험 볼 자료를 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 패턴으로 윤곽잡고 정리하라(outline and organize)
④ 예상 질문에 대한 에세이 답안을 직접 써보라(write essays to answer essay questions)
: Do not merely think about answers. The best way to find out how much you know is to see how much you can put down correctly and coherently on paper. You will be graded for what you put down on paper, not what is in your brain. [...] Actually writing out an essay will force you to organize the information.
⑤ 에세이 답안을 교정하라(revise your essay answers)
: Reorganize and supplement your essays with detailed information and examples. Aside from the structure of an essay, the single most important difference between A and a C is the amount of orderly detail and argumentation that the student provides. Even if none of your essay questions is asked, it is very likely that parts of your prepared essays can be used in other essay questions.
⇐ ①~⑤는 완료되어야 할 순서대로 배열되었지만, 중요도로는 역순으로 배열됨. 즉, ⑤가 가장 중요하고 ①이 가장 덜 중요함. ⑤에 비추어 그 전에 무엇을 공부해야 할지 찾게 됨.
3. 철학 시험 답안의 구조
A. 서론(beginning) : State in general what your answer to the question is.
B. 본론(middle) : Support that answer with detailed information and argumentation.
C. 결론(end) : Very briefly summarize what you have done.
by. A. P. Martinich
(University of Texas Austin, Department of Philosophy)
(출처 : A.P. Martinich, 2016. “Appendix B: How to Study for a Test” in Philosophical Writing: An Introduction, 4th ed. New Jersey: Weiley Blackwell.)
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