1. 연구, 학자성, 표절
*연구 주제에 대한 나와 다른 저자의 성찰
“A research essay is one in which the professor expects you to present your informed and reflective view about some topic, in contrast with simply reporting the view of another philosopher.”
“In addition to your own reflection, it is important for you to investigate what other authors have said about the problem or text that you are writing about. Even the best philosophers learn from others, because they may be smarter, have thought about the problem longer, or have a perspective different from your own.”
⇒ It is essential that you identify the sources of your information. Identifying these people falls within the category of scholarship.
“‘Scholarship’ refers to the practice of letting your reader know (1) where they can find more information about your topic and (2) giving credit where credit is due to those people from whom you have learned and to those who first made the point that you are making.”
(1) 주제에 대한 더 많은 정보를 찾을 기회 제공
- a matter of courtesy and cooperativeness
- it is rare that an author can say everything that a reader may want to know about a topic
(2) 내가 그로부터 배우고 나보다 일찍 주장을 세웠던 사람들에 대한 공로 인정
- a matter of honesty
- not to give credit where credit is due is a kind of theft (concerning scholarship, instead of harsh word “theft”, the word “plagiarism” is used
*표절(plagiarism)의 양상
- to use the substantive words of another person without quoting or crediting
- to use the idea of another person without crediting her, even if her exact words are not used
- to consider the idea of another person without crediting her, even if the idea is considered only to be refuted
2. 출전 밝히기(Giving credit)
*출전 밝히는 장소
a. 주석(notes) : 본문 속 각주(footnotes)나 본문 끝 미주(endnotes)
b. 참고문헌(bibliography)
*출전 밝히기의 다양한 형식
- different book publishers have their different “house styles”
- most of the great works of philosophy in many editions include the pagination
ex) Plato – Stephanus numbers / Aristotle – Bekker numbers / Hobbes’s Leviathan – 1651 edition
cf) pagination이 있더라도 실제 판본의 완전한 문헌적 정보를 같이 제공해야 함
- when a classic work is divided into parts, chapters, sections, or similar segments, good editions will provide that information and it is customary to use those divisions to identify the passage being used
ex) Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae
→ “ST Ⅰ-Ⅱ. Q. 37, art. 5, c”“ refers to Summa Theologiae Prima Secundae, Questio 37, articulus 5, corpus (the body of the article)
ex) Locke’s Two Treatises of Government
→ “TT Ⅱ. 237” refers to the second treatise, section 237
*출전 밝히기 1 : 첫 번째 주석에 다 밝히기
- If you are referring to only one or two works, you do not need a bibliography. In this case, give complete bibliographical information in the first note that makes reference to that item, and then refer to that work with some short form, either the author’s name or the title of the work.
ex) 1) Hayden Cargo, “Materialism versus Idealism,” in Classic Essays in Metaphysics, ed. Maury Putten (Whimsy, MI: Tintype Publihing Company, 1944), 78-90
- In these cases the first name of the author, editor or translator comes before the last name.
ex) 1) Robert Lingual, The Philosophy of Language, 3rd edn, tr. Benjamin Gavagai, ed. Alex Blupen (New York: Brilliant Publishing Co., 2005)
- Subsequent references can be given in notes either by using his last name and a page reference or by giving the title and a page reference. Abbreviations of Latin words, “ibid.,” “op. cit.” and “loc. cit.,” which once were standardly used, are rarely used today.
ex) 2) Hobbes, p. 32.
ex) 2) Leviathan, p. 32
*출전 밝히기 2 : 내주로 밝히기
- Supply references inside the main body of the text and indicate the year of publication and the page reference.
ex) According to I.M. Smart, there is only one way to solve philosophical problems (Smart 2005: 59).
- If you are referring to two works by an author published in the same year, use lower case letters to distinguis them.
ex) (Smart 2005a: 59) (Smart 2005b: 103)
- In order to use this system of internal references, you need to give the complete bibliography information somewhere. If you are using multiple works, then you need a bibliography. Notice in this bibliography the alphabetization of authors by last name, the placement of the date of publication, its omission after the place of publication or journal, the absence of a “p.” or “pp.” to refer to pages, and the way the entries are punctuated.
Bibliography Adams, Margo, 2001. The Ideal of Materialism, 3rd edn., tr. Terence Humphrey. New York: Prestigious University Press. Buffalo, William, 1964. “The Matter of Idealism,” The Philosophers’ Review 49: 28-39. Cargo, Hayden, 1944. “Materialism versus Idealism,” in Classic Essays in Metaphysics, ed. Maury Puttem. Whimsy, MI: Tintype Publishing Company, 78-90. |
- If you are using one source or predominantly one source, then give the full biographical information –in the note style, not the bibliographical style- in a note, and add the comment: “References to this work are embedded in the text.” In this case, you do not need to mention the author or year in the interenal reference.
ex) According to I.M. Smart, there is only one way to solve philosophical problems (59).1)
1) I.M. Smart, The Problem of Philosophy Solved (Brilliant, NY: The Philosophers’ Press, 2005). References to this work are embedded in the text.
by. A. P. Martinich
(University of Texas Austin, Department of Philosophy)
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