1. 철학자와 철학 이론에 대한 입문적 지식
*자료 고르는 법
- 저자가 해당 주제에 대해 식견이 있고(knowledgeable), 학계의 논의와 토론에 그의 관점이 유익한 영향(beneficial influences)을 끼쳤다면 믿을만함
- 해당 주제에서 저자의 작업에 대한 언급(mention)을 발견할 수 없거나 저자가 철학계 바깥(outside academic philosophy)에 있다면 믿을 수 없음
- 자료가 전문 철학자(professional philosophers)에 의해 쓰이거나 편집되지 않았다면 믿을 수 없음
- 저자가 철학을 가르치거나(teach) 해당 주제에 관해 출판(publish)한 적이 있다면 그의 홈페이지는 믿을 만함
*전문 철학자가 쓰거나 편집하는 인터넷 사이트
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (https://plato.stanford.edu/)
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (https://iep.utm.edu/)
- course websites from other universities (other instructors)
- class website of your class (your instructor – should be first place to look!)
- professors’ own sites
⇐ When using any of these pages to write a paper, make sure you’re careful about giving credit to your sources. The same general rules that apply when you cite sources from books also apply in citing internet sources.
2. 저널 논문, 학술 논문, 서평
*접근하는 법
Electronically accessible journals usually require a user to have a subscription, and universities usually buy subscriptions that cover their students and faculty, so using your university computing account is often the best way to access journals online.
*철학 저널 제공 사이트
- JSTOR (https://www.jstor.org/) : 오래된 저널들까지 제공
- MUSE (https://muse.jhu.edu/) : 오래된 저널들까지 제공
- Philosopher’s Imprint (https://journals.publishing.umich.edu/phimp/) : 해당 저널 자체 구축 사이트, 구독 필요 x
- PhilPapers (https://philpapers.org/) : 출판 및 출판 예정 연구 탐색 가능
- Academia (https://www.academia.edu/) : 출판 및 출판 예정 연구 탐색 가능
- university websites, personal websites : 출판 및 출판 예정 연구 탐색 가능
cf) 출판 예정 연구의 경우 질이 보증되지는 않았지만 최첨단의 연구임
*서평 제공 사이트
- Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (https://ndpr.nd.edu/)
: aims to review books as sonn after their publication as possible, which is very useful if you’re wondering whether some recent book suits your interest and might be worth looking at or buying
3. 철학 텍스트의 온라인 버전
*철학 텍스트의 온라인 버전
An increasing number of classic texts in philosophy are available for free online. Your school’s library website may also have information on how to access proprietary repositories of e-texts.
*철학 텍스트의 온라인 버전 관련 주의점
- The available options are often those that are so old that copyright protection has lapsed, allowing them to be reprinted online for free. [...] Translations available online are often inferior to translations that are only available in books. [...] e-texts are safest to use when they present a text in its original language.
- Since scanning errors sometimes occur when moving a text from printed format to electronic format, you should be especially wary of typos when reading any scanned text.
4. 직업으로서 철학을 위한 정보
*전문 철학자 조직(professional organization for philosophers)
- APA(American Philosophical Association)(https://www.apaonline.org/)
: The APA site has information about upcoming conferences, calls for papers, academic employment, and issues connected to life as a professional philosopher. It also contains a guide to graduate study in philosophy in the US and Canada.
- Canadian Philosophical Association(L’association Cannadienne de Philosophie) (https://www.acpcpa.ca/cpages/home-page)
- Australasian Association of Philosophy(https://aap.org.au/)
*대학원 연구 관련 사이트
- Philosophical Gourmet Report (https://www.philosophicalgourmet.com/)
: It provides rankings of the top 50 philosophy departments and descriptions of which departments specialize in which fields. While the rankings are controversial, many agree that consulting them, and especially the rankings by subject area, is a good way to start forming ideas about where to apply for graduate school.
+ For more guidance, ask faculty at your undergraduate institution and read some publications by the philosophers you’re thinking about working with.
+ If you have the good fortune of being accepted to graduate programs and you’re trying to decide where to go, make sure to talk with those philosophers and the graduate students working with them.
by. A. P. Martinich
(University of Texas Austin, Department of Philosophy)
(출처 : A.P. Martinich, 2016. “Appendix D: Philosophy Resources on the Internet” in Philosophical Writing: An Introduction, 4th ed. New Jersey: Weiley Blackwell.)
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