annonymous, "How to Say Hello in German" (출처 :
annonymous, "How to Say Goodbye in German" (출처 :
ㄱ. Formal German Greetings (How to say Hello in German 1)
① Know your listener.
: Say these phrases when you are greeting business associates and people you do not know well. Most of these greetings relate to the time of day
: “Guten Morgen(Good morning)!”, “Guten Tag(Good Afternoon)!”, “Guten Abend(Good Evening)!”
② Opt for pleasantries.
: Often in English, asking a question is a polite way of saying, "Hello!" In German, it is no different.
: “Wie geht es Ihnen(How are you)?”, “Geht es Ihnen gut(Are you well)?”, “Sehr erfreut(Nice to meet you).”,
: To respond, “Gut, danke(Good, thank you).”, “Es geht mir sehr gut(I’m very well).”, “Ziemlich gut(I’m rather well).”
③ Know the proper physical greetings.
: In every culture or region, there is a different standard of greeting, be it bowing, hugging, or hand-shaking. Germany is a bit different than the rest of Europe. People in Germany usually prefer to greet non-family members with handshakes instead of the cheek kissing that is customary in most of Europe; however, cheek kissing is still a common type of greeting in many German-speaking countries. The rules regarding the number of kisses to give and knowing when and who to kiss change from place to place. When you meet someone for the first time, you can usually just shake hands. Then just watch how other people interact. You'll quickly recognize the pattern.
ㄴ. Informal German Greetings (How to say Hello in German 2)
① Use casual phrases when greeting family and friends.
: Some of the following greetings are used in most regions of Germany.
: “Hallo(Hello)!”, “Morgen/Tag/n Abend!”(shortened versions of the previous time-related greetings), “Grüß Dich(I greet you)!”(You only use this greeting if you know the person very well. It can also be a good indicator of where someone lives, as grüß dich is southern dialect.)
② Go for questions.
: To ask someone how they are, you have a couple different options (just like in English)
: “Wie geht es dir(How are you)?”, “Wie geht’s(How’s it goingl)?”
: To respond, “Es geht mir gut(I’m fine).”, “Nicht schlecht(Not bad).”
: To throw a question back, “Und dir(And you)?”
③ Familiarize yourself with regional phrases.
: Germany has a rich and varied history and, as a result, uses different phrases and figures of speech in different areas.
: “Moin Moin!” or “Moin!”(another way to say "Hello!" in Northern Germany, Hamburg, East Frisia and nearby areas. It is considered an all-day greeting for everyone.), “Grüß Gott(May God greet you)!”(considered a way to say hello to everyone in southern Germany, Bavaria or in Austria. It is a formal phrase to greet a stranger or a teacher.), “Servus!”(another greeting you'll only hear in the south of Germany or Austria, translating to "hello.")
ㄷ. How to Say Goodbye in German
1) “Auf Wiedersehen.” [owf vee-der-say-en]
- This is the most formal and traditional way to say "goodbye" in German.
- Even though this is the phrase most German classes probably teach first, it's somewhat old-fashioned, so you won't hear it spoken much by native Germans in casual settings. It's similar to saying "farewell" in English.
- Reserve this phrase to professional settings and other formal circumstances, especially when you're speaking with someone unfamiliar and wish to demonstrate a high level of respect or admiration.
- To make the phrase slightly less formal, you could also shorten it to “Wiedersehen.”
2) “Tschüs.” [chuuss]
- When speaking informally, this phrase is probably the most common way of saying goodbye in German.
- The English equivalent of "Tschüss" would probably be "bye" or "bye-bye" rather than "goodbye." Even though it's considered to be an informal way of bidding farewell, you should be able to use it with friends and strangers alike in most circumstances.
3) “Mach’s gut.” [mahx goot]
- When you're saying "goodbye" to someone you know relatively well, you can use "Mach's gut.“
- The phrase literally means "do well" ("Mach's" is a conjugated form of "do," and "gut" means "good" or "well"). Translated more loosely, however, the phrase is essentially the equivalent of the English, "Take care!“
4) “Bis bald.” [biss bahllt]
- When you're separating from friends in a fairly casual setting, you can use "Bis bald" to say "see you soon" or "bye for now.“
- "Bis" is a conunction meaning "until," and "bald" is an adverb meaning "soon," so a fairly direct translation would be "until soon.“
- There are several other phrases that are similar in both construction and meaning: "Auf bald" [owf bahllt], meaning "onto soon" or "see you soon", "Bis dann" [biss dahn], meaning "until then", "Bis später" [biss speetahr], meaning "until later“
5) “Bis zum nächsten Mal.” [biis zuhm nii-stihn maahl]
- If you're saying farewell to someone you see on a regular basis, you can use this phrase to say "see you next time.“
- The work "nächsten" means "next," and "Mal" means "time." Essentially, this phrase means "until next time" or "see you next time.“
- You can use this with anyone you see regularly. This can include coworkers, classmates, family members, or other regulars at an eating establishment you frequent.
6) “Wir sehen uns.” [veer zeehn oons]
- Essentially, this is a polite yet informal way to say "see you later" when speaking with friends and acquaintances.
- You would leave the phrase at this if you do not know when you'll see each other next, but if you've made plans for your next meeting, it would be better to add "dann" (dahn) to the end of the phrase: "Wir sehen uns dann." This changes the meaning to "see you then.“
7) “Wir sprechen uns bald.” [veer spray-heen uns bald]
- There are multiple ways to end the conversation when you're talking with someone on the phone, but "Wir sprechen uns bald" is one of the most common. It means "we'll speak soon."
- Another appropriate phrase would be "Wir sprechen uns später," [veer spray-heen oons speetahr] which means "we'll speak later."
8) “Schönen Tag.” [shoon-ehn tahg]
- This means "have a good day" in German, and you can generally use it with loved ones and strangers alike.
- You may also hear this spoken as "Schönen Tag noch," [shoon-ehn tahg noc], which is actually the full version of the phrase. Similarly, you can use "Schönes Wochenende" [shoon-eh vahk-ehn-end-ah] if you wish to say "have a good weekend" rather than "have a good day.“
9) “Gute Nacht.” [goo-tuh nakht]
- This is the German equivalent of saying “good night” in English.
- "Gute" means "good," and "Nacht" means "night.“
- The other "good" phrases, like "Gute Morgen" (good morning) and "Gute Abend" (good evening), are usually used as greetings. Unlike these phrases, though, "Gute Nacht" is almost always used when parting ways at the end of the night or when saying "good night" before going to sleep.
10) “Gute Reise!” [goo-tuh rai-suh]
- This phrase means "have a good trip," so it's a great way to bid farewell to someone before that person leaves on any trip.
- The term "Gute" means "good," and "Reise" means "travel," "trip," or "journey." As such, the phrase translates directly as "good trip.“
11) “Ade.” [ah-dee]
- Like “Servus,” “Ade” is another German farewell greeting restricted by geographic location. This one is heard most commonly in Baden-Württemberg, a German state located in the southwest.
- This term is actually somewhat formal, so you should translate it as "goodbye" or "farewell" rather than "bye." You can use it in nearly any setting, but you'll hear it in professional settings and other formal venues more often than you'll hear it spoken casually.
- Additionally, you can still use "Auf Wiedersehen," "Tschüs," and other German greetings in Baden-Württemberg. You're not restricted to "Ade" only.
12) “Servus.” [zehr-foos]
- This is a popular, informal way of saying “bye,” but its usage is primarily restricted to Austria and Bavaria. The greeting is not used often—if ever—in Germany.
- Essentially, "Servus" is another way of saying "bye" rather than "goodbye." It's fairly polite, but it is considered informal, so it's best used in casual conversations.
- Note that this is not the only way of saying "goodbye" in Austria or Bavaria. You can still use "Tschüs," "Auf Wiedersehen," and other German farewell greetings in either country.
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